Drawings from the A mon seul désir series by Anita Taylor until 2 October 2021

Drawings from A mon seul désir by Anita Taylor at Drawing Projects UK
On show in The Entrance Hall at Drawing Projects UK is a selection of drawings from the extensive A mon seul desir series by Anita Taylor. The exhibition is on from 14 September until 2 October 2021.
Her ink drawings that explore narrative and subjects with reference to historical precedent and event. With fluid expression they explore, interpret and re-situate the depiction and representation of their female characters and subjects. This series of drawings are focussed on the story of Tristan and Yseut, and were made in the context of a wider project that interpreted the Lady and the Unicorn cycle of tapestries from the Musee du Moyen-Age in Paris.
In addition to her practice as an artist, Anita Taylor is Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design and Professor of Fine Art at the University of Dundee, Director of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize project and founder of Drawing Projects UK. She has exhibited widely nationally and internationally and has drawings in a number of public and collections including the V&A and Jerwood Collection.
The exhibition is free to see and is open Tuesday to Saturday from 8am to 3pm from 14 September until 2 October 2021.
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