Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 in London until 1 February 2020

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition includes 68 drawings by 62 practitioners - including works by students to those by established artists and makers – which were selected from 1,801 submissions received from across the UK. The independent Selection Panel comprised Chantal Joffe RA, artist; Andrew Nairne OBE, Director of Kettle’s Yard, University of Cambridge; and Dorothy Price, Professor of History of Art at the University of Bristol and Editor of Art History.
The drawings included in the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2019 exhibition are by:
Rachel Ara / Naomi Avsec / Jeanette Barnes / Philip Battley / Jonathan Bennett / Jackie Berridge / Kate Black / Kurt Buckley / Roma Bullen / Martyn Burdon / James Byrne / Lewis Chamberlain / Michael Doherty / Aisha Farr / Joana Galego / Frances Gynn / Susie Hamilton / Oona Hassim / Clare Haxby / Mary Herbert / Laura Hudson / Mandy Hudson / Nimmi Hutnik / Neville Jermyn / Hero Johnson / Melissa Kime / Marcus Leotaud / Michael Paul Lewis / Richard Lewsey / Andrew Litten / Eugene Macki / Derek Marks / Miguel Martin / Zara Matthews / Penny McCarthy / Patrick Miller / Tamsin Morse Commins / Alice Motte-Muñoz / Elizabeth Nast / Steve Payne / Julia Polonski / Caroline Pool / Fiona G Roberts / Katya Robin / Karin Schösser / Molley Scoble / Mark Shields / Nicholas Simms / Clare Smith / Paul John Taylor / Sally Taylor / Patricia Thornton / Alberto Torres Hernandez / Shelly Tregoning / Mariota Spens / Jaime Valtierra Sanchez / Henry Ward / Steven Ward / Charmaine Watkiss / Jessica Wolfson / Hannah Wooll / William Wright
The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize project is led by its founding Director, Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee, and is supported by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust and delivered in partnership with Drawing Projects UK and Parker Harris. The exhibition will tour to The Gallery at De Montfort University in Leicester as its final destination.
For all enquiries about the exhibition and tour, please contact the project manager, Parker Harris by email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call:020 3653 0896.