Guest Poets & open-mic on Saturday 7 April from 2-4pm

On Saturday 7 April from 2-4pm, there will be an afternoon of poetry at Drawing Projects UK hosted by Josephine Corcoran.
Come to hear two fabulous poets read in Trowbridge on Saturday, March 3rd, 2pm- 4pm. Open-mic contributions welcome. The event is free, just come along - and do join in!
Dawn Gorman is a poet and editor who devises and runs community arts events, including the reading series Words & Ears, which takes place monthly in Bradford on Avon, and periodically around the country, including at Edinburgh Fringe, where she has also worked as poet in residence at the EDS Gallery (2015 and 2016). Her pamphlet This Meeting of Tracks was published in the Pushcart Prize-nominated four-poet Mend & Hone (2013), and her poetry has appeared in journals including Iota, Magma, The Rialto, Under the Radar and The Interpreter’s House. She collaborates widely – the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, and 250 schoolchildren, wrote a symphony based on her poem Replenishment, and the overture, devised as a film poem, appeared at Cannes Short Film Festival. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University.
Shauna Robertson’s poems have been set to music, displayed on buses, performed by actors, made into comic art, hung on a pub wall and published in various journals, ‘zines and anthologies. Her first chapbook, Blueprints for a Minefield, won the Fair Acre Press competition in 2016 and her second, Love Bites, is forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press this autumn. Shauna also writes for children and makes artwork.
<pJosephine Corcoran was born in Southport, Lancashire, UK, and grew up there and in South London. She now lives in Wiltshire where she's been involved in community literature projects for many years. She has two BBC R4 credits for a short story and a play, and one of her plays has been performed on stage in London. She has published one poetry pamphlet with tall-lighthouse in the UK. She took an MA in Creative Writing at UEA in 1997. Josephine blogs regularly at and edits a popular poetry site called And Other Poems. Twitter @And_OtherPoems. Josephine started a Poetry Society Stanza in Trowbridge in 2016 that meets on the first Saturday of every month at Drawing Projects UK