Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 Education & Events

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 will open to the public at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London from 29 September to 16 October 2022.
Alongside the exhibition, we have commissioned Chloe Briggs of Drawing is Free to devise an Education Pack inspired by the exhibition. This booklet is free to download here - and available in the exhibition in print (free for schools and educational providers).
There will also be a programme of Drawing Sessions, Drawing Discussions delivered by drawing practitioners and experts online and in person at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London. The events are as follows, booking links for all events will soon be available soon.
Saturday 1 October:
4pm to 5pm: Online Drawing Discussion: Anita Taylor + TBWDP22 Guest: Elisa Alaluusua - book here
6pm to 7pm: Online Drawing Session with Chloe Briggs: Drawing a Portrait at Dusk - book here
Monday 3 October:
5pm to 6pm: Online Drawing Discussion: TBWDP22 Guests: Penny McCarthy, Anita Taylor, Tania Kovats - book here
6pm to 7pm: Online Drawing Correspondence Event: Wintering Well with Chloe Briggs, Tania Kovats, Anita Taylor - book here
Thursday 6 October:
6pm to 7pm: Online Drawing Discussion: Anita Taylor + TBWDP22 Guests - this event will now be re-scheduled.
Saturday 8 October:
9am to 10.30am: Online Drawing Session with Chloe Briggs: Making a Drawing Book the Size of a Smart Phone - book here
11am to 12.30pm: Director’s Introduction & Walkthrough at Trinity Buoy Wharf - book here
2pm to 3.30pm: Drawing Session at Trinity Buoy Wharf with Anita Taylor & Elisa Alaluusua: Sketchbook Treasures - book here
Sunday 9 October:
1pm to 3pm: Drawing Session with Jeanette Barnes at Trinity Buoy Wharf - book here
Tuesday 11 October:
6pm to 7pm: Online Drawing Discussion: Anita Taylor + TBWDP22 Guest: M. Lohrum - book here
Friday 14 October:
12noon to 1pm: TBWDP Director’s Introduction & Walkthrough at Trinity Buoy Wharf - book here
1.30pm to 2.30pm: TBWDP Director’s Introduction & Walkthrough at Trinity Buoy Wharf - book here
Saturday 15 October:
9am to 10.30am: Online Drawing Session with Chloe Briggs: Drawing a Subjective Architectural Plan - book here
2pm to 3.30pm: Drawing Session at Trinity Buoy Wharf with Elisa Alaluusua: Sketchbook Treasures - book here
Sunday 16 October:
1pm to 3pm: Drawing Session at Trinity Buoy Wharf with Jeanette Barnes - book here
For all Drawing Sessions & Drawing Discussions – online and in person - booking is essential. There will be some drop in capacity for the Director's Introduction & Walkthrough in the gallery with Anita Taylor, Director of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize.
Please keep an eye on the Drawing Projects UK website, social media and Eventbrite page for more information, updates and additional events.