Opportunity: Seeking Volunteers at Drawing Projects UK

Preview of From the Ground: Mandy Bonnell & James Brooks exhibition at Drawing Projects UK
As we launch our 2019 exhibition programme, we are seeking volunteers to support our work at Drawing Projects UK.
Volunteering and work experience at Drawing Projects UK is open to everyone over-18 with a passion or interest in drawing and contemporary art. We will ask you to complete an application form and will meet with you to understand what you would like to achieve from volunteering or work experience with us and how we can support this. Volunteering with us will enable you to gain professional experience in a gallery setting, learn about drawing and contemporary art through the exhibitions we present, and to meet interesting people.
If you are interested in joining our team as a volunteer on a regular or short term basis, please contact us on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you an application form to complete.