Online Events Programme - 9 to 22 January 2021 - Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020

Ben Johnson, Scrovegni Chapel Worksheet, 2019, Ink on paper, 101 x 152cm

Ben Johnson, Scrovegni Chapel Worksheet, 2019, Ink on paper, 101 x 152cm

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 exhibition is due to be on show at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London from 9-22 January 2021. It is accompanied by a free online events and public engagement programme. Hear more about the exhibition project, meet some of the artists selected for the exhibition and awards, join in with Drawing is Free, and meet with staff from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design to find out more about studying art and design degree programmes. More information on each event and how to book is available via the links below. We will also be making an interactive virtual exhibition at Trinity Buoy Wharf which will be available to explore online soon. We hope you will join in!

9 January 2021 (Saturday): A talk About the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize Project with founding director, Anita Taylor at 12noon, booking here.

9 January 2021 (Saturday): An introduction to the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 exhibition at 3pm with Anita Taylor, booking here.

9 to 11 January 2021 (Saturday to Monday): Online Advice Sessions about applying for art and design degree programmes (Undergraduate, Masters & PhD study) with Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design staff from the University of Dundee. You can also sign up to her more about their new Upskilling programmes that include freestanding postgraduate modules in Drawing led by Professor Tania Kovats.  Choose an available advice session here.

10 January 2021 (Sunday): A Drawing is Free Drawing Prompt will be published.

11 January 2021 (Monday): An online Drawing is Free In Conversation with Akash Bhatt at 6pm, no booking needed, join in via the Zoom link on the Drawing is Free website by 6.05pm.

12 January 2021 (Tuesday): An online Drawing Discussion with Nina Chua and Ruth Richmond, on drawing in three dimensions at 6pm, book here.

13 January 2021 (Wednesday): The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing 2020 Exhibition Preview & Awards Announcement at 7pm by Frances Morris, Director of Tate Modern – please join us here for the online event from 6pm.

14 January 2021 (Thursday): A Live Drawing Session with Drawing is Free & ioi choi - Experiments as a Jaguar - at 2pm. No booking necessary, join in via the Zoom link on the Drawing is Free website by 2.05pm. Suitable for all ages and experience.

14 January 2021 (Thursday): An online Drawing Discussion with Lucy Anderson and Nancy Haslam-Chance on drawing people at 6pm, book here.

15 January 2021 (Friday): An online Drawing Discussion with Frank Leuwer and Ayeshah Zolghadr on drawing spatial relationships and locations at 6pm, book here.

16 January 2021 (Saturday): An online Drawing Discussion on Working Drawings with Ben Johnson and guests at 4pm, book here.

17 January 2021 (Sunday): An online Drawing is Free Drawing Prompt will be published.

18 January 2021 (Monday): An online Drawing is Free In Conversation with Jeanette Barnes at 6pm, no booking needed, join in via the Zoom link on the Drawing is Free website by 6.05pm.

19 January 2021 (Tuesday): An online Drawing Discussion with Tricia Gillman and R &F Mo, on drawing time, memory, the felt and the fictive at 6pm, book here.

20 January 2021 (Wednesday): An online Drawing Discussion with Chris Bruce and Isabel Rock on drawing narratives and stories at 6pm, book here.

21 January 2021 (Thursday): An online Drawing Discussion with Mark Clay and Peter Sutton on drawing place at 6pm, book here.

22 January 21 (Friday): An online Teaching Drawing Symposium with Drawing is Free & Drawing Projects UK from 3-5pm, book here.  

The Teaching Drawing symposium will be followed by “What’s Next? ...Drawing Correspondence”, an information session and Q&A Session with Chloe Briggs, Tania Kovats and Anita Taylor, at 6pm, booking here.

Please do join in!

#TBWDP20 #DrawingMatters